To pick only 8 out of the thousands that have sprouted in the English blogosphere alone is a daunting task. That it is quite arbitrary should also be obvious, since neither of my 3 friends I asked has heard about any. You may have heard about their blogs though, so we take it upon ourselves to present them – and we’ll do it our way .
Markos Moulitsas - Daily Kos. Considered on the left side of the political spectrum, this blogger likes to take on conservatives, which – interestingly – led to a ban on appearing on MSNBC, which he described as booted from the network because of a Scarborough temper tantrum.
Michael Arrington – TechCrunch. Apparently he’s got a reputation for blowing a fuse and “mowing down friends and enemies alike”. I’ve read his blog, but did not see that. The other title, “Silicon Valley’s current kingmaker” seems equally overblown. Quite possibly, Newsweek is afraid of being trashed by him as well
Michael Wolff – Vanity Fair. “has made a career out of antagonizing journalists, keenly understanding that if you make your media peers mad enough, they’ll eventually respond—most likely with a link to your blog” – It sounds like this dude feeds off journalists low in self-esteem. Obviously, this is a profession dying a slow and painful death since the 80s, but why would they favour a blogger who blog starts with the word “vanity”? How subliminal can you get?
Michelle Malkin – hotair. She is labeled a “conservative blogger”, though what Newsweek calls “incendiary” and “vitriolic” comments seems more like commons sense to me (i.e., calling both GW Bush and Obama “corporate socialists”). This is the last “M” blogger. On with the rest of the alphabet.
Andrew Breitbart – BigGovernment. Former Drudge Report, conservative & Tea Party celebrity; described as confrontational. The again, who isn’t?
- Perez Hilton – PerezHilton. Learn from him how to milk a scandal. (pic)
Andrew Sullivan – TheAtlantic. As gay, conservative and openly Catholic (sic), he advocates limited government, criticizes morons on both extremes of the political spectrum (assuming a single plane), yet he avoids the “libertarian” label.
- Sandra Rose – Politics, fashion and hip-hop. You go, girl!
Sources / More info: Notorious B.L.O.s, flickr, DailyKOs, TechCrunch, VanityFair,,,, PerezHilton, TheAtlantic, sandrarose,
ReplyDeleteVin la tine cu o problema tehnica in Blogger.
Pe scurt: Am un blog cu trei autori autorizati. Vreau sa postez in header linkuri catre posturile fiecarui autor in parte, astfel incat daca dau clic pe respectivul link sa imi apara doar posturile autorului ales.
Varianta complicata ar fi sa adaug eticheta cu numele fiecarui autor la fiecare post scris de respectivul, apoi dau search si pun linkul de la search acolo unde vreau. Problema e ca sunt peste 200 de posturi si ma ia naiba pana ma apuc de pus etichete la fiecare.
Banuiesc ca ar fi o alta posibilitate, dar nu ma pricep la cod xml/html iar google search nu ma ajuta in acest caz. Oare care ar fi bucatica aia de cod care bagata in template sa faca ceea ce vreau in mod automat?
I'll write an article with a solution shortly. Would you like to contribute an article about your experience with IntenseDebate? :)
ReplyDeleteExperienta mea cu Intense Debate nu e una tocmai fericita, dar am vazut undeva ca si tu ai avut probleme cu ei. Eu inainte sa imi schimb template-ul la blogger mi-am exportat comentariile in format .xml pentru a le importa mai tarziu iar apoi nu am mai reusit (deocamdata) sa reinstalez Intense Debate.
ReplyDeleteSalut. cum pot schimba domeniul la un blog de pe blogger,fara a cumpara domeniul de la ei, ci de la altcineva...defapt cum il hostez in
ReplyDeleteFor the whole list, I chose to go to Andrew Sullivan-TheAtlantic and I think I will read him form now.
ReplyDeletesounds a bit contradictory, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteSo, if I understand it correctly, you want to use a domain with Blogger without buying it from them.
ReplyDeleteBlogger/Google does not sell domains, you buy domains from a 3rd party - they might refer you to a 3rd party or you can find them on your own. I also sell domain for some clients.
I have no idea how works. When I sell a domain name for instance, I also host them for my clients and I provide an interface for them to administer it. Ask your domain reseller or
I'm not asking you to write about IntenseDebate because I thought you had a fulfilling experience with them :) Rather, I think it's very relevant. I'm curious, for instance, why chose it over Disqus.