Saturday, January 31, 2015

Who was Andrew Sullivan in Blogging?

I recently read about some blogger - Andrew Sullivan - announcing his retirement from blogging. I don't care much about celebrities, so I did not think much of it. And yet, this announcement has dominated a sizable chunk of news media, warranting a deeper look into it.

sullivanI have not read much about him – I was not even aware he existed. Here’s what Wikipedia tells us:

A former editor of The New Republic and the author or editor of six books, Sullivan is an influential blogger and commentator. He was a pioneer of the political blog, starting his in 2000. He eventually moved the blog to various publishing platforms, including Time, The Atlantic, and The Daily Beast. In 2013, he switched to an independent, subscription-based format. Sullivan's Burkean conservatism is rooted in his British Catholic background and in the political philosophy of his mentor.

We’ll finish this with more soon. See the articles below, of which the best title is probably tDB’s:

Andrew’s Burnt Out? Blogs Are, Too “Take it from me—blogs were great in their day. But now, there are just so many more ways to be an underpaid writer.”

I wish I could write more, but sadly, I just don’t have the time, and no one's paying me.

Sources / More info: inyt-res, wiki-sullivan, vox-as, tdb-burnout, dish-bof, mash-quits, nymag-quits, wp-near, tco-5ben, hpo-xplr, rsn-fond, cjr-7ways,

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